Yogi Library
GatsbyJS - React - GraphQL - Tailwind
In 2018 I deciced to commit to a daily yoga practice. I began to consume a lot of online videos to give me ideas and saved them in a folder on YouTube. My growing collection quickly became hard to manage. Retrieving the exact video I wanted was a question of chance and I was getting frustrated. One quick fix was to create several folders but that didn't really solve the problem because the organization was not systematic and I like things to be well organized.
I wanted a library to group all my favorite videos and filter them by different criteria such as the style of yoga, the duration, the level and any additional tags. I decided to create it.
Yogi libary offers a curated list of my favorite yoga videos. Each video can be viewed by different properties:
- YouTube channel
- Duration
- Tags
- Level

The frontend is built with GatsbyJS, React and Tailwind.
I am using a Google sheets as my database. I and accessing the data using a Gatsby plugin and GraphQL queries.
Yogi-library is deployed with Netlify.